syval627 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Hey when this program is released, will it have a similar interface and user friendliness as WoWGlider. I noticed it was very easy to use and people could upload waypoints and glides so people could easily farm, kill, or even quest.
No, not at first anyway. It will be more script oriented. Me and other programmers will write bot scripts for people to use with the client, and users will edit that script to make it work for them.
In other words there's no user interface and you edit a script with a bunch of code.
Hope that makes sense lol. But I can comfort you with missisipis projects which are very "high tech" if you will, and have user interfaces for the most part. Also I've been thinking about writting a glider bot for lotro, however I want to be able to experiment with the basic scripts befor eI start making something as major as that.