I am NOT the OO of this account, but I do have all the information needed!
First, I'll start by saying the gil amount is not right. I played the account after this pic was taken, but since I didn't do anything but help my friends, the gil pretty much stayed the same.
Second, I am going to ask for either money or a WoW character. Because I am asking for $200, I would like it if it were to be payed through paypal, and I also require that if we do "sell", then you must be TrustWho Verified and have a rep page with actual rep in it.
Third, the other option would be to trade a World of Warcraft character for this account. I would love a 70+ priest, but I can settle for something else. Because I have all the info, you must have all the info as well.
AIM: lpu bobby13