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WTB - SWG Account : MMO & FPS Buy / Sell / Trade

Posted: January 29th, 2009, 3:38 pm

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Hey all! I am looking to buy an old SWG account of someone who no longer plays. An elder Jedi account would be ideal. Want an account that hasn't been stripped of all there loot and credits. They need to be on BRIA or any of the following servers as I don't want to pay for transfer.

* Corbantis
* Europe-Infinity
* Intrepid
* Kauri
* Kettemoor
* Lowca
* Naritus
* Scylla
* Tarquinas
* Tempest
* Valcyn
* Wanderhome

Let me know if you have an old account laying around and how much you want. Again the account doesn't have to be some UBER account but I don't want one that has been stripped.

Thanks All

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Posted: January 30th, 2009, 2:52 am

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[quote="tarrx3"]Hey all! I am looking to buy an old SWG account of someone who no longer plays. An elder Jedi account would be ideal. Want an account that hasn't been stripped of all there loot and credits. They need to be on BRIA or any of the following servers as I don't want to pay for transfer.

* Corbantis
* Europe-Infinity
* Intrepid
* Kauri
* Kettemoor
* Lowca
* Naritus
* Scylla
* Tarquinas
* Tempest
* Valcyn
* Wanderhome

Let me know if you have an old account laying around and how much you want. Again the account doesn't have to be some UBER account but I don't want one that has been stripped.

Thanks All[/quote]

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Posted: January 30th, 2009, 5:12 pm

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That made no sense you just quoted what he said incorrectly....

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Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 11:20 am

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Last edited by xxtoxicxx on October 25th, 2011, 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posted: March 18th, 2009, 6:59 am

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Last edited by mrmachine on March 18th, 2009, 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posted: March 18th, 2009, 7:00 am

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tarrx3 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Hey all! I am looking to buy an old SWG account of someone who no longer plays. An elder Jedi account would be ideal. Want an account that hasn't been stripped of all there loot and credits. They need to be on BRIA or any of the following servers as I don't want to pay for transfer.

* Corbantis
* Europe-Infinity
* Intrepid
* Kauri
* Kettemoor
* Lowca
* Naritus
* Scylla
* Tarquinas
* Tempest
* Valcyn
* Wanderhome

Let me know if you have an old account laying around and how much you want. Again the account doesn't have to be some UBER account but I don't want one that has been stripped.

Thanks All

I have an elder Jedi (starsider) account born aug 2003. hes got alot of good stuff PM me with offer and Ill give some more details. Also have a veteran support account, I would like to sell them together.

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