Selling my account since the NA-release. It starts at $275 USD, will drop to $75 USD after 1 week.
Get it while you can!
Account Highlights
- Maxxed Archery
- 2 level 50+ Elemental Nukes (no cooldowns)
- High Crafting Skills
- High Stamina
- High Player Stats
- Thousands of Reagents
- Thousands of Gold
- Thousands of Enchanting Materials
- Thousands of Cooked Food
- Hundreds of Potions
- 44 Active Days Remaining on the Account
Player StatsHP: 274
Stam: 335
Mana: 237
Screenshots of SkillsCombat Skills | Crafting Skills |
General Skills |
Magic Skills |
Spells |
Stats | Weapon SkillsOther Screenshots
Bank Picture | Remiaing Days on AccountOther Notes- I am still macroing the account and since the screen shots were taking, I have gained another 2 points of quickness, 1 of vitality/strength.
- Almost 100 Herbalisim