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WTS Diablo 3 Gold at cheap price on g4pvip : MMO & FPS Buy / Sell / Trade

Posted: October 14th, 2012, 1:13 am

Total Posts: 2
Joined: October 14th, 2012, 1:03 am
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Nice day, dear friend,
Here is Anna, your personal assistant girl in G4pvip site ~
If u are tried with looking for the cheapest and fastest gold stie..Now, donnt hesitate, just come to our new vip site have a look, g4p launched a new cheapest VIP site to celebrate the coming of mists of pandaria patch of WOW. Also ,the price for Diablo 3 is even cheaptestJ

US Diablo 3 gold price list:
$6.9=10000K $34.16=50000K

EU Diablo 3 gold price list:
€ 5.93=10000K € 29.37=50000K
€ 58.75=100000k € 117.49=200000k

Site: www.g4pvip.com

Plz feel free contact our livechat or following ways for VIP discount code:

Msn: g4pvipanna@hotmail.com
Yahoo: g4pvipanna@yahoo.com
Google talk: G4pvipanna@gmail.com
Skype: G4pvipanna

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