TeraUS - Ascension Valley - Ilvl 158 - High Elf Female - Lv. 60 Sorcerer
The accounts gear: +12 nexus disc, all he rest is +9 nexus gear, a Hex cry, two battle ground rings, a dangling needle and heartshare pendent with all crux's intact.
Fashions/Mounts/Others: Winged ears, Blue halo, White angel halo (& all other fashion accessories from maxing all gathering skills), Icegrip disc, Night Mare (account mount), Dracoloth mask, Two other achievement masks, Superior Tier 14 Fodder, 720 gold,2 bank pages, stash of crux/zyrks in the bank.
If you are interested then send me your offer on skype at Babykitten90 or by email at
calla_slily@yahoo.com or you can post here.