Hey all. I quit WoW a bit ago, it just got a bit old for me.
Zone: US - Realm: Garithos - Name: Ippon
Can see my gear/gearscore.
Please note that this is my sword build... assassination build (232 daggers) is a bit stronger and has a slightly higher crit hit, topping over 40%.
Random alts, 55 DK, 55 PLD, 48 Priest, all alliance...
Random low level horde on a different server.
Roughly 3000 gold in hand and much more in the banks.
There's the WoW expansion coming out, this is a great way to get into it if you're interested.
I'm not looking for much, just to get back into FFXI. I was hacked just before the security tokens came out, so anything is better than nothing... hehe.
Questions, comments, concerns, let me know. I'm even willing to front the cost of a server transfer OR name change to get you started with the new character on a more personal level.