I have been browsing different site's forums for a couple of hours now in search of SoF cheats / hacks / bots that work with the US client of the game. As I searched, I found it hard to decipher what people were talking about due to the constant spam of people posting things like "i r need help plz. E-mail me" and other things of the such.
From all of the searching, I came up with the conclusion that yulganghelper is a common program used by players to do things such as make their characters "invisible" to mobs in the game, as well as pause their current HP so it does not go down. Also, along with this program is a .rar file that contains 2 .dll files that bypass the security program on SoF.
I would like some things clarified for not only MY benefit, but that of all people searching forums for SoF help. First off, can yulganghelper be used on the US client? Does it require you to have the bypass for xtrap? Even more than that, does the bypass even WORK for Xtrap? If not, then that would mean the US servers have no programs that allow you to cheat at this point in time, correct? Maybe those people who have premium accounts in the UC can use it? Please clarify this. If there are any other programs that can be used by the US program, or any guides on how to use these programs that people would be kind enough to post, I will add them to my original post here and of course, source the credit to the proper person. Thank you everyone, and please don't post asking for cheats or hacks, because that is basically what I have just done. Asking anymore just gets annoying.
Thank you.