Weekly Server Maintenance [2008-01-22]
Time: January, 22th, 10:00PM ~ January,22st, 12:00AM (PST, GMT -08:00)
- New Level 80 Buffs Fix [Add]
- Only players who got hacked in January
please send us inquiry with following form.
Inquiry Title: "2008 Jan Hacking Issue"
Contents: Hacked Character Name / Hacked Date/ Lost Items
we will investigate every case and if your hacking issue occured
because of Log-in bug, we will restore all the lost items and golds.
- Missing Costumes Issue.
At this time, we would like to ask anyone who has one
or more missing costumes to please send in a 1:1 Customer
Inquiry titled "Costume Disappeared".
Inquiry Title: "Costume Disappeared"
Contents: Names of the missing costumes.
Please be aware, cheaters are not looked kindly upon.
If you send in an inquiry on this and you did not have a costume,
there will be consequences.