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exploit for lich-queen : SB Submissions

Posted: May 2nd, 2006, 1:51 pm
johnboy123's Reps:
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get a wizard and use group teleport to telport u and group inside of walls and then AoE a million times to kill the lich-queen and her minions! :twisted:

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Posted: January 8th, 2009, 5:50 am

Total Posts: 11
Joined: January 8th, 2009, 4:29 am
rusty23's Reps: 1
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they best way to kill the lich queen is to find wat her wickness is for example fire,unholy,holy,magic u get the point once u find here weakness get a fury and nature debuff her..
once debuffed get a vampire warrior to take her beating as he has unnatrual fortituted witch is great again r8
so u have a debuffer a tanker and if its fire shes weak to then have loads of channys firing at her i have taken many r8 down it takes a long time but its a great reward......
also most important and its happened allot dont run out of her zone wen she is following u she will get summoned back and u will have to start all over again that is a pain in the $%£

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