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Unlimited Stam Bug : SB Submissions

Posted: July 25th, 2005, 8:00 am
darthmaul04's Reps:
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Maybe you know or maybe you don't I found a bug makes you have almost unlimited stamina bug. Only characters with bow ability can use this bug like aracoix.

/usepower bow001n 2000 <This gives you 200stamina
/usepower bow001n 20000<This gives you 2000stamina
/usepower bow001n 200000<This gives you 20000~35000stamina

And so on Once I had a 350,000plus stamina and I was flying everywhere
with level 20character killing level 45 character.
Well I hope this helps. Also you must equip with a bow and in combat mode enter walla you have instant stamina.

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Posted: July 29th, 2005, 6:52 am
fetters5's Reps:
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darthmaul04 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Maybe you know or maybe you don't I found a bug makes you have almost unlimited stamina bug. Only characters with bow ability can use this bug like aracoix.

/usepower bow001n 2000 <This gives you 200stamina
/usepower bow001n 20000<This gives you 2000stamina
/usepower bow001n 200000<This gives you 20000~35000stamina

And so on Once I had a 350,000plus stamina and I was flying everywhere
with level 20character killing level 45 character.
Well I hope this helps. Also you must equip with a bow and in combat mode enter walla you have instant stamina.

it was and it no longer works

/usepower bow-001n 2000 <This gives you 200stamina
/usepower bow-001n 20000<This gives you 2000stamina
/usepower bow-001n 200000<This gives you 20000~35000stamina

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Posted: August 4th, 2005, 6:23 pm
ghiardon's Reps:
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verified this no longer works.

It worked like a year ago but it has long been fixed

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