How to use A-Cash (prepaid card)
Date : 7/15/2006
inquiry : 3478
Hello. This is Silkroad Online.
Because we have many users who have questions regarding the use of A-Cash, this notice will provide some details in regards to use.
Q. What is A-Cash?
A. A-Cash pre-paid card payment option has been opened by Joymax to provide payment options to our Singaporean and Malayasian users who cannot use credit cards. In the Singapore and Malaysia, Maple Story and Pangyang are serviced by Asia Soft, our partner, and a unified ��A-Cash Prepaid Card�� has been made to be used as a payment option in SRO to charge silk.
Q. Where can I get A-CASH Pre-Paid Cards?
A. On the A-Cash payment page, if the retail stores button is clicked, there is a detailed list of offline locations and their addresses where these cards can be bought.
Q. Will only Silkroad Online branded A-Cash cards work with Silkroad Online?
A. In the case of Singapore and Malaysia, a Silkroad Online branded card is not needed in order to charge silk, instead the previously mentioned A-CASH Pre-Paid Card can be used to pay. The prepaid card with the Silkroad Online main graphic is being prepared for distribution.
Q. How do I use the prepaid card?
A. Buy the prepaid card -> visit the Asiasoft homepage ( -> After typing in your prepaid card��s E-PIN and serial number, ACASH points will be converted -> The converted ACASH points can then be used to obtain a Silk coupon for the desired amount of Silk ->That coupon will have its own E-PIN and Serial Number -> Go to Silkroad Online��s homepage and to the A-Cash section under Payment Methods -> After clicking ��Silk Charge by A-Cash�� enter the coupon��s E-PIN and serial number -> Silk will be charged.