![(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qE0UfT9iVuI/Tc6wn5RlpzI/AAAAAAAAE0k/blnKA4kvFWE/s1600/swtor+jedi+beta.png)
We here at taultunleashed are looking for players who are good at finding offsets. One of the most difficult parts of creating bots at times can be finding all the offsets needed for a game. That's where you come into play. We are looking for someone to help find offsets/pointers/ect for newer and older games.
You will gain a few perks too:CASH - Yes we will pay you real cash for helping us.
LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP - You will get a life time membership here and from the people over at mmoviper.com.
A Special Title - You will get a special title that you can create yourself over here at TaultUnleashed.
Satisfaction - Knowing you helped create some of the coolest bots and hacks out there.
We are looking after people that have been finding offsets for awhile, so lets say you have been into hacking games for awhile and you have a great knack for finding offsets. Well we would like to talk to you. Maybe you are just after some easy cash while you go to school, or want to develop this into something more long term. Either way we can help you. Send me a private message if interested.