Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
Tault_admin's Reps: 1444
We like to give members some feedback as to whats going on behind the scenes at taultunleashed to help make it a better site for all. So here you go. This list are things we have recently added or will be adding in the coming week.
1 - Live chat for members. (added) 2 - Start reintroducing the templates for other games wow, eq2, ect ect. 3 - Re-add the FFXIV section to the site. 4 - Add DC universe to the site (its a fun game if you haven't tried it yet) 5 - Add the rift section to the site (good game in beta) 6 - Add minecraft to the site (Sim city sorta) 7 - Get some new staff members to help on writing new guides. 8 - Work on adding an official site for power leveling and selling gold to members (this one is going to be a few weeks working on some technicalities) 9 - Add the contest for February (details will be soon) 10 - Due to the loss of dec/jan contest we will do a double for February but it will be an easy contest as well. 11 - Moving the server to a new area (that is a few weeks out but ultimately it will help the sites speed some more) 12 - Tweak the server for more speeds (we plan to only run these tests on weeknights. (pretty much completed)
More posts to be added in the coming days.