Right now, when you post an auction and sell something on XUnleashed, you will be granted a Premium Membership*!!!
Here's how it works. Simply place your item up for bid at NO cost to you. Yea, thats right, post your auction for FREE. Then when your item sells, you will be given a Premium Membership Subscription. It is that simple.
Auctions Ending > $20 = 2 week Premium Membership
Auctions Ending > $40 = 4 weeks Premium Membership, that's ONE WHOLE month of access.
Auctions Ending > $60 = 6 weeks Premium Membership
Auctions Ending > $80 = 8 weeks Premium Membership, that's TWO WHOLE months of access.
Got two items for sale? Want to add some more weeks to your subscription for FREE? Post your item today!
* Closing Fee's and Optional Description Enhancements extra.