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Game Of Thrones MMO Announced : Site News

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 12:04 pm

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Im going to call this a BAD thing and ill explain later below but first lets do a little recap on this. According to USA today the Game of Thrones world is going to have their very own MMO. The game will be be all about the lands of Westeros. The game is being made by Bigpoint which is known for their browser games. The more famous one would be battlestar galatica

Now here are some big facts why this is a bad things.

- This is being done by a browser game company, so it wont have the sort of epicness thats deserved from such amazing books.

- The Battlestar Galactica MMO was received with lack luster reviews online.

- The game is being released after a series has come out giving it hype. While some people can argue this is a good business move, it also means that this release is not about the game being a tribute to the books, but more to make some quick cash.

These are just a personal opinion of the upcoming game and not based on any actual playing of the game. So I'm all for being proven wrong on this release.

http://www.usatoday.com/life/lifestyle/ ... 51116740/1

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