![(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))](http://www.organic-triathlete.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/change-ahead.jpg)
Alright everyone we have some big changes coming to the site. For starters we are going to make A LOT of sections free now. These sections however wont have everything free.
We are going to move the cream of the crop of things to a premium cheats, bots, guides and more section. This will be a perk to only premium members get the elite things. This is to help not only give free members something to enjoy but still give premium members things too. Keep in mind sharing will still get you access to the premium items on the site whether or not your content is moved to the elite or confirmed sections.
That wont be the only perk for premium members. They will get a special user rank which we are fixing some quick bugs with.
Also premium members wont see ads as they will be shown after the first and last post on pages.
As well premium members will still get access to mmoviper and other apps down the road.
We have a few more things in store but those will be shared as time goes on. So keep in enjoying the site and new updates everyone as we have more coming.