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League of Legends Blue Base Much Stronger From Jungle Patch : Site News

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 4:24 pm

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So if you have been playing league of legends recently then you know about the latest update which decreased the spawning time and increased the rewards for killing mobs. However with this the blue team now has a giant advantage as pointed out by AlonsoQ over at reddit.com. Here is why blue is way OP now. This is why.

- Because of how easy it is to kill dragon early game players put top solo and 2 at the bottom every game to help them protect an early dragon kill.

- Blues golems are at the bottom while Reds are at the top. So in the very start of the game red killing their golems is much harder since its solo as opposed to blue have 2 players at the bottom.

- With the extra gold and spawn time players who start out as blue will be able to use one player to kill the golems to keep the spawn going and one to still kill minions and get gold and xp there as well.

- While this doesn't make a giant difference in low elo, once you get up there in higher elo games the benefit of the golems and xp is a giant boost now.

- Riot has admitted in the past blue is slightly favored in games and the adjust the elo matching because of that.

- Games that are high elo games will be extremely favored towards blue now because of the extra gold they are going to farm from the easy golem kills.

Here is the full story over at reddit for those that are curious.

http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends ... advantage/

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