We at XUnleashed wish to make this site one of the best around.
It has been brought to our attention that we need more content.
We are asking YOU the community to help us out.
We are offering our server space to hold your pages and content here at xunleashed.
Do you have a nice site with alot of information in it, but wish it would get more traffic? House it here with XUnleashed. We are looking for both public and private content.
Alot of the content available here at XUnleashed is meant for the masses. Yes the average person that just wants to know what is going on, or how to accomplish something in their game without having to pay a membership fee. This is the area that we want to enlarge 100x fold!
We currently need:
Item Databases
Recipe Databases
Mob Databases
Guild Lookup tables
Web Page Design
Graphics Design
Web Pages with dynamic content
Web pages with static content
Your suggestion here!
So, you might ask, what is it worth to you?
Well, the best answer is the fame and reward that comes with having your own content and managing it. There is a level of respect that comes with the terratory. Just ask some of our script designers. They are making a name for themselves here at XUnleashed.
Want more? Well, you asked for it. If a subscriber joins up from one of your pages for premium membership, you get the commissions for the membership! Thats right. You will get the same commission rates as our affiliates. And you dont even have to advertise. They will come to you!\
Last but not least you can gain free memberships, free prizes, and other bonuses for just helping out the community.
So now is what you do. Simply go and fill out the form in the link below.