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Major Poker Sites Shut Down : Site News

Posted: April 15th, 2011, 2:44 pm

Total Posts: 29974
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While this might not be 100% mmo news this is something all players should look at. The govt FBI has decided to shut down all the major poker online companies. They figured out that some banks where illegally working with the poker sites to process transactions going on. Which i believe is illegal however its your money and you should be able to do with it as you please.

Now the govt is taking all the money generated from US players. It works out to be almost 3 billion they are collecting. If you player poker before online for money you are SOL. While i did not have any money being lost from this i still feel it something very large that all players should contact their local state representative and tell them they want online poker legal.

Just remember that as they grow in power the FBI is going to start shutting down all the RMT trading sites too that they feel are as well in violation of the poker law in a weird aspect.

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