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Neverwinter - Open Beta begins april 30, 2013 : Site News

Posted: April 8th, 2013, 5:07 pm

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Cryptic and Perfect World do it again. Neverwinter, scheduled to go into open beta april 30, 2013, is highly anticipated by fans across the world. Neverwinter is a dungeons and dragons mmorpg. What makes this game unique is it will be following the latest trend of mmorpgs in that it will have a first person shooter style combat similar to Tera Rising Online.

Another great idea that this game supports is fan based content. Upon release players will be able to create their own story lines and content via the Foundry. This should provide a almost limitless amount of content to keep the playerbase happy for many years to come.

If you want to get started early before the April 30 open beta, you can purchase a founder's membership. This includes up to 5 days of early access, along with other goodies. These include things like special mounts, bags, and more.

Here is a good video by Force Strategy showing off the first 40 minutes of the game:

We here at taultunleashed are looking forward to its release. We are opening up our own Neverwinter forum so that users can talk about neverwinter hacks. These might include things like teleporting, or speed hacking.

Speaking of Neverwinter hacks, I have been debating on how to abbreviate Neverwinter. Some suggestions have been NWO, but there is no Online in Neverwinter. Perfect World uses NW. So I think that might be the best ay to go.

Stay tuned for more information about Neverwinter or D&D:NW or NW or whatever you want to call it. We here at TaultUnleashed are eagerly awaiting its arrival!

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Posted: April 11th, 2013, 9:25 pm

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Neverwinter will be Free-To-Play which means it's going to be a hot game on free websites, not so hot on sites which require a subscription, unless you provide a bot or game hack which is tied to membership here.

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Posted: April 12th, 2013, 12:29 am

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We're moving away from subscriptions and wanting to move to a more public community to try and generate some traffic.

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