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New Code Repository for uploading Programs, Bots and more! : Site News

Posted: August 13th, 2007, 7:29 pm

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Our new Code Repository is live!


We are now requiring all attached programs/appliations to be synced with our Code Repository. This is to ensure not only that you are the creator of the application, and to help our developers track bugs, changes, and features; but to help protect our users against misuse or dead projects that need updating and the developer has stopped maintaining it.

Popular projects qualify for Lifetime Premium Membership as well as Cash Rewards!!! (see bottom for details)

Using the new GForge server is easy.

Follow these steps to upload your project:

  • 1. Register. Please use your forum name so that we can track your uploads and give credit to your TU Membership account.
  • 2. Add your project.
    Click on My Stuff
    Click on Register Project
    Fill out the simple registry form
    Click Submit
  • 3. After your project has been approved by one of our moderators (up to 24 hour delay)
  • 4. Set the permissions for your project and other options you wish.
    • 4.a To setup a private code repository (only viewable by admins and other members that you specifically choose to have access)
      • Click on My Stuff
      • Click on Projects
      • Click on your Project you registered
      • Click on Admin
      • Click on SVN Repository (You can also choose CVS if you Prefer)
      • Click on Edit Observer Permissions
      • Change the SCM Privleges to Private
    • 4.b You can also edit which features you would like active. These include Bug Tracker, forums, Feature Requests and more. This is all accessable via the Project Admin page.
  • 5. Now that your project is setup and activated, you can now upload your project files. Here, we provide 2 easy ways to get this done.

    • A. If you program using Visual Studio, we recommend using the AnkhSVN plugin from Tigiris: http://ankhsvn.tigris.org/
      1. Download the VS plugin from the link above.
      2. Load up Visual Studio
      3. Load up your project.
      4. Click on File, then on "Add solution to SVN repository"
      5. Sync up your project files with the repository by Right Clicking on your solution, and then clicking Commit.
      6. Enter a simple description for the update message, and click Submit.
      7. You're done! All your files have been safely stored on our SVN server.
      8 . When you make changes, it will let you know that you have updates to send by color coding your files in the solution file explorer from Visual Studio. Just Right Click on the solution and recommit to resync all your files.
    • B. You can also upload/sync your files on a folder by folder basis with TortoiseSVN from: http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/
      1. Download the TortoiseSVN Client
      2. Install it.
      3. Create a your folder that will contain your files you wish to sync with our Code SVN server.
      4. Right click on the folder and select Tortoise SVN CheckOut
      5. Enter your http address: this will be in the form of http://gforge.xunleashed.com/svn/ProjectName You can find the correct url to use via the SVN link for your project on the gforge server under "Access Info"
      6. Enter a message that goes into the log for that entry.
      7. Click Ok.
      8. Now, any files you add to that folder, or any changes you make will be uploaded/synced with the source server. To Upload/Sync the folder to the server, right click on the folder and select Tortoise SVN Commit. Check the box for Select/deselect files, enter a log message of what you changed/uploaded and click OK.
      9. You're done! All your files have been safely stored on our SVN server.
      10 . When you make changes to the files, you can eaily resync by again right clicking on the folder, and clicking Tortoise SVN Commit.
  • If you ever loose your source, or wish to view a file in a older revision or earlier release, you can do so easily by viewing the files on the Gforge web server.

Lifetime Membership and Cash Rewards and other Prizes: We are in the process of adding tracking to our GForge server to track downloads from Premium Users. When a project reaches a certain amount of users, it will qualify for different rewards. Watch the forum for full details.

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