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Rift Attempting What WOW Never Could - Instant Action : Site News

Posted: December 7th, 2011, 10:15 am

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So WoW is still the top dog of the western MMO gaming world, but multiple competitors have come and gone. Some have stayed and carved their own nitch like eve online or free games like LOTOR. Others have tried to copy wow and failed horrible warhammer online for example. Well Rift is one of the few contenders that not only has a good following but is taking the WoW model and improving it with their own exclusive feature. This is Instant Action.

Normally when you play in a MMO such as wow and want to join a battleground or instance you get into a queue. Then they want until the group is all set up and you being playing it. Some games like SWTOR allow you to join warzones pretty quickly and then you wait for the countdown timer and start in the action. Rift is attempting at an instantaneously join in.

SO lets say i join a quest in rift. Well instead of me waiting in a queue for me to pop in the zone, then wait for it to start, im going to instead be instantly in the action. No longer do i need to wait for a queue and do my own thing until its my chance. A great way to think of it would be playing a FPS where you join into a match while its going on.

Now this system isn't live yet so people are still skeptical if they will be able to match people as quickly as advertised, but if it goes through as expected it will be big. Rift will not only get people who want to play the game casually, but allow people who only have a few minutes to spar to join in epic team battles.

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