December 29, 2003
Script Plugin v2.4.0
There are several new scripting function available with this patch (3.x Only). This patch will allow scripts to create interactive windows. There are some examples in the scripting forum to review how these new functions work.
A new GetPixelColorDemo.vbs has been uploaded. This script will now display the current mouse and color info in a script window!!!
To use these new scripting features, please use XUnleashed3Beta.exe (3.0)
--This sub will maximize a script plugin window
XUScriptPlugin.ActivateWindow(ByVal aWindow As Object)
--This sub will minimize a script plugin window
XUScriptPlugin.DeActivateWindow(ByVal aWindow As Object)
--This sub will unload and remove a script plugin window
XUScriptPlugin.UnloadWindow(ByVal aWindow As Object)
--This function will load a new script plugin window
XUScriptPlugin.LoadWindow(ByVal strXMLFilename As String) As Object
--This function will assign a control to a script variable
XUScriptPlugin.LoadControl(ByVal aWindow As Object, ByVal strControlName As String) As Object
--This sub will unload an assigned control
XUScriptPlugin.UnloadControl(ByVal aControl As Object)
--This sub will add a callback handler to a script window Button.
XUScriptPlugin.AddButtonHandler(ByVal aWindow As Object, ByVal strButtonName As String, ByVal EventCallback As Object)
--This sub will add a callback handler to a script window Checkbox
XUScriptPlugin.AddCheckBoxHandler(ByVal aWindow As Object, ByVal strCheckboxName As String, ByVal EventCallback As Object)
--This sub will add a callback handler to a script window EditBox
XUScriptPlugin.AddEditBoxHandler(ByVal aWindow As Object, ByVal strEditBoxName As String, ByVal EventCallback As Object)
--This sub will remove a callback and free memory to a script window EditBox
XUScriptPlugin.RemoveEditBoxHandler(ByVal aWindow As Object, ByVal strEditBoxName As String)
--This sub will remove a callback and free memory to a script window CheckBox
XUScriptPlugin.RemoveCheckboxHandler(ByVal aWindow As Object, ByVal strCheckboxName As String)
--This sub will remove a callback and free memory to a script window Button
XUScriptPlugin.RemoveButtonHandler(ByVal aWindow As Object, ByVal strButtonName As String)