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SWTOR Claims One Of The Worlds Largest MMO Beta Tests : Site News

Posted: December 6th, 2011, 1:05 pm

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Over this past weekend it was assumed a few hundred thousand players decided to try out the best for the upcoming star wars: the old republic game, but it seems to be much larger than originally thought.

For starters the beta apparently drew in over 2 million players to signup and try it at one point, while these numbers weren't all during the thanksgiving beta play through, they did have over 750,000 players try it during the beta thanksgiving test.

EA also stated that over 9 million hours of playtime was accrued during that holiday weekend and players averaged around 12 hours of play time during that beta test. The 12 hours would be the biggest thing to me as a gamer. That means the game ahs the ability to keep players interested for a decent amount of time. While no one knows what the game will entail for end game content, it is a great sign to see so many players enjoying the games early levels.

Source: GameSpot

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