We now just have one page for each month. We will be updating it more and more. As well members can now post replies to the threads in here to offer feedback. Every time this page is updated by the staff ill post a bump on it and you can scroll up to view it.
General Updates
- Left nav bar is going to be changed some next week to help with the site speed for some users.
- The top bar has been changed so its easier on the eyes and for users to follow.
- Sections such as warhammer and world of warcraft are undergoing new updates and we have one left to them. That is going to be quick nav links added to the top and bottom of each page to help users get around the site easier for those games. Keep in mind in the next 2 months all games will have this new look.
- We have updated the following games with a new look and ease of use for navigation so far:
- Darkfall, FFXI, L2, LOTRO, VG, WAR, WOW
- We redid the aion page some more. Enjoy.
- We are in development of a new Aion Bot that should be out near the release of the game.
Mortal Online
- Be sure to check out our new mortal online section that in the near future will be having its own bot as well.
Champions Online
- A new champions online section will be added in the upcoming week.
New Monthly Contests
- The monthly contest starts tomorrow. Enjoy.
New Layout
- After months of feedback we have finished our beta and released our new layout. You can view it now on some game sections. Expect the site to fully changed by weeks end. Enjoy.
No Longer After Aion keys
- We only need mortal online keys. Keep up the good work.