We now just have one page for each month. We will be updating it more and more. As well members can now post replies to the threads in here to offer feedback. Every time this page is updated by the staff ill post a bump on it and you can scroll up to view it.
Fallen Earth Forums
- Check it out. The game is in the forums and the left side nav for it will be added shortly.
Champions Online Added
- Check it out. The game is in the forums and the left side nav for it will be added shortly.
Free Runes of Magic At MMOViper
- MMOViper released the runes of magic bot and radar over at thier site. Be sure to check it out for some fun new tools.
New Layout
- Layout is done for most every game. Some new ones need to be added but its nothing big. Enjoy its the simplest way out there, and we had to do some tweaks because of the annoying search engines.
MMOViper Access Fixed
- There was a problem for members getting access at MMOViper due to a bug in the system. This problem is fixed now. Enjoy.
Lost Passwords
- The lost password system is now fixed. It had a bug not letting members request their passwords.
Aion Radar
- MMOViper posted a aion radar teaser image check it out in the aion forums.
Aion Area Premium Now
- The confirmed areas are premium eyes only now. Start sharing to get premium.
Update Join For Free Area
- The how you can get premium easily area was updated so its clearer for all.
Aion Radar
- We fixed some server hiccup issues that caused some members to have problems connecting
Seeking Beta Keys
- Iff you have a beta key for a new game send me a message on what game you have. IF approved you will get anywhere from 3-12 months of premium access based on the beta key and our need of it. Please make sure to tell me what game its for.
Aion Affiliates
- New Affiliate stuff has been added for aion enjoy.