Weekly Site Updates and News - Feb 16th - Feb 23rd - 2009
No Longer After Beta Accounts
- We no longer need Beta Accounts.
- Thanks to all those that helped.
Replying to annoucements
- We added it in that members can now reply to these annoucements if they want. This will help people give us more feedback on changes and ever helping us improve the site.
- Keep in mind some things will be locked so no replies are given but the current weekly update will not be locked so reply away to this post.
Youtube videos added to the forums
- You can easily add youtube videos now in posts.
- Just hit post reply.
- Then in your reply post the youtube link. (Not the embed code)
- Then highlight that link and click the new youtube bbcode.
- Your item will now post.
- Keep in mind we are working out some custom bugs with it so you need to make a reply at times to your post for it to work. But that should be fixed shortly.
Voting Mod
- Alright we are working on a new voting mod for the site.
- Instead of yays and nays people actually will be able to click on a button.
- This button then will automatically cast your vote. This is a quick way to help people get yays and nays on things to move them to confirmed.
- Then when it has enough i will be alerted and it will be moved.
- This is not done yet but will be coming in the upcoming weeks if all goes well.
New Site Areas
- We are adding in a new games.
- Runes of magic
Forums Reworkings
- We have gotten great feedback on the easy to use forum navigation that we have been doing.
- Expect a few more sections to be redone such as SWG.
Sections getting total graphics overhaul
- We know not all gaming areas have had their graphics redone and are working to do 2 new ones a week.
- This week we are going to be redoing cabal online and 2moons.
- For people that are reading this we just to let you know monthly contests are coming back. Basically this next months is going to be an easy one and there will be one winner. The prize will be a free yearly subscription to the site and a custom title tag.
Trading Area
- The trading area is going to get a GIANT OVERHAUL
- Basically it will be much prettier and actually have a custom look to it unlike the rest of the site. We hope users will enjoy this.
Perfect World Area Added
- Enjoy the New Section.
World of Kung Fu Area Added
- Enjoy the New Section.
Lineage 2 Area Redone
- Enjoy the New Look.
Atlantica Online Section Redone
- Enjoy the New Look.
Darkfall Section Redone
- Enjoy the New Look.
100% Free Games Better Labeled
- Now you can easily know when you are at a 100% free game section.
- Be sure to post in those areas to help increase the areas traffic.
Cabal Section Redone
- Enjoy the New Look.
City of Heroes Section Redone
- Enjoy the new look.
City of Heroes Area Updated
- It has its brand new look now as well. New forums and a new look. Enjoy.
Xunleashed Support to be discontinued
- We are going to stop all support for xunleashed as we are working on releasing Exhume 2.0 and with the progress of mmoviper for members things
2Moons and 9Dragons Both Sections expanded
- They have brand new forums now. Also look forward to a new look for both sections soon.