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TaultUnleashed Site News - Feb 23rd - Mar 2nd - 2009 : Site News

Posted: February 27th, 2009, 11:23 am

Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
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Mod in Training
:!: Xunleashed Servers To Close March 1st
- Due to the ever increasing work of exhume support, and with a giant update for exhume 2.0 on the horizon we are going to stop support for XUnleashed. Keep in mind the XU servers target shut off date is March 1st 2009.

How will this affect you?
More than likely in no way at all. Most all the site programs are done with exhume so it should not affect you.

How will this benefit you?
Well this will allow us to focus our servers on other project to help the member base. So you can look forward to a faster site, and faster site updates.

If you have any questions feel free to message me.
Keep in mind all posts will be moved into one forum and locked.

:!: 12sky and lotro sections
- 12sky has a new section for all to enjoy.
- LOTRO has been redone to make it more user friendly as well lotro now has a new look. Enjoy.

:!: New Side Bar
- Sometimes people have been having problems navigating and we are always trying to make this easier. In doing so we have edited the left columns to be so easy that anyone can use them. You can easily see the areas of the site and how to get around.

:!: New Site Blogs
- We have added a new site blog. This blog will show new things daily for different games that should help members learn more about each game. What we have to offer for that specific games area and just help members in general learn all the more about neat things going on with the site.

:!: Voting Mod
- The voting mod is coming along well and you can look forward to it soon

:!: Darkfall online hacks and bots
- We can assure you a bot is just right around the corner. The biggest set back is the lack of up time for the games servers so we cant create things as quickly hah.

:!: Market Place
- This week look forward to the market place being redone.

:!: Daily updates
- We are almost done with all our daily game updates. These updates normally take the site down for 30 minutes to one hours. They are still helping us redoing game areas for people to make things much more user friendly in terms of posting. We are more than 50% done so look forward.

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