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Weekly Site Updates and News - Feb 2nd - Feb 9th - 2009 : Site News

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 6:22 pm

Total Posts: 29974
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:!: Weekly Site Updates and News - Feb 2nd - Feb 9th - 2009

- So we believe the ones granted to us where actually cloned from the guild key dupe. Which means they have been deactivated. We now need more beta keys. Please PM me if you have any. Thanks!

:!: TU Bucks Decreased
- Looking at the feedback we had it set at 4 points per post. We have lowered it to 3 points per post. Thats still a great deal. If you manage to do 334 posts you get a free 6 months of premium. Just being an active members can get you all the perks of the site.

:!: Combat Arms Section
- We have released a combat arms section on the site. Its in the left of the page now. Go post and enjoy.

:!: MMOViper Status
- MMOViper is still being worked on for automation but if you click the side link you can still get a premium membership there. If you are premium here that is.

:!: Atlantica Online Look
- Atlantica Online now has a brand new look. Enjoy.

:!: World of Warcraft / FFXI Updates
- Both these sections will be updated in our new easy to use navigation. We slacked off on WOW due to adding in other things to the site but it and FFXI will be updated this week. Look here for some extra updates as they are always being added.

:!: Gaming News
- If you didnt notice we are doing only one large news update a week. Thats due to the unanswered posts being so large due to this. So in order to fix this we are going to make it so all posts by gaming-news will not be seen in the unanswered posts area. This is something that does not have an ETA just wanted the community to know its being worked on.

Last edited by Tault_admin on February 9th, 2009, 6:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Posted: February 4th, 2009, 10:27 pm

Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
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:!: WOW Section Expanded
- We split up the confirmed sections for wow because frankly wow guides exploits bots hacks ect ect where to cluttered. Check it out. Also expect items to start being moved tomorrow. Yay for easier navigation.

:!: Gaming News No Longer Shows For Unanswered Posts
- If you look under posts since last visit gaming news will no longer show. This will help users escape all the extra posts for news when they just want to see last topics since they visited.

:!: WOW Private Server Confirmed Area
- A confirmed area for wow private servers has been added. Its free to the registered members.

:!: Bug With Joining
- We where notified of a bug when joining the site that might have made it not possible for members to join. This bug has been fixed.

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 8:03 pm

Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
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:!: WOW Expansion News
- The guides section has been moved around now. So now we have gold / farming. And leveling guide areas as well as the general guides. This should help members find what they want all the faster.

:!: WOW Homepage News
- Now when you log in all you need to do is click the wow link on the side to be taken automatically to the forums. ENJOY!

:!: WOW Section Expanded
- The names for the wow areas have been changed some to make it more user friendly. Frankly the names where to long and it was annoying :-p

:!: Atlantica Online Look
- Atlantica Online Sections Look has been implemented. Enjoy!

Last edited by Tault_admin on February 6th, 2009, 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: February 6th, 2009, 2:35 pm

Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
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Mod in Training
:!: Jumpgate Evolution Section Added
- We added the jumpgate evolution section. AKA Eve onlines new competition.

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