Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
Tault_admin's Reps: 1444
Weekly Site Updates and News - Jan 12th - Jan 19th - 2009
Condensing Areas
No point in multiple forums if they arent needed right. We have merged the guide discussions and discussions area for games together. Frankly because those sections are so one int he same its never really needed.
Easier Navigation
- For new sections we have added in there WOW to have a new look and Warhammer Online. All you have to do is click the left of the page now if you are logged in and you will be taken to that forum right away.
MMOViper Update Jan 13th
MMOViper's stuff is a pain still. So we are still working on the merger. Be sure to read our temp solution in the mmoviper thread.
Combat Arms
- A new combat arms section should be made shortly.
- The official TU Blog is on hold until we get some things fixed on the site so its easier for members to get around. Stay tunned.