Weekly Site Updates and News - Jan 5th - Jan 12th - 2009
Update 1-7-09
We where talking about changing the look for pages. If you want an example of whats to come go and check out the aoc area. Log out and check out the link to the left. Then log in and look again. As you can see it has changed. This way you dont now have to double click to get around the site

Easier Navigation
So a large problem we have always had was navigation on the site. How can we make it so the site is friendly to new users, current users, and search engines. Well we have figured it out. Starting this week games will get a new style and this is how.
- All side links for the mmorpg network will be for the forums.
- If logged in you will be able to easily go from one forum to another without seeing the special homepage showing new things.
- If you are not logged in and you click on a games link on the side it will look like the average page. Its a neat system to make things easier on all for going around the site.
- The homepage is still up in the air as we are deciding what to do with it. Basically i want every page to be used on the site by current members or new members.
MMOViper Update Jan 5th
Be sure to read our update to mmoviper. We have it so you can technically get premium on there right away without waiting. Keep in mind we are getting lots of pms so please be patient.
Darkfall Online
- New Section enjoy.
- New Section enjoy.
- We will soon have a site blog its going to be on things every week that players might want to know such as new gaming bots ect ect going on.