Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
Tault_admin's Reps: 1444
General Site Updates
- The new submissions area and mmoviper easy exchange are taking a few days longer due to the fact of adding in some new stuff for the sites backend with security. Sorry it will be done soon.
- Star trek area has been added.
- Stargate worlds area has been added.
Final Fantasy XI
- Another large update was done to the fishing bots enjoy
- An nmalert update is planned for this weekend
Stargate Worlds
- The section has been released and a new template is on the menu for this week.
Star Trek Online
- The section has been released and a new template is on the menu for this week.
Wrath of the lich king
- The contest will be added in the next few days in honor of the launch of one of the worlds most popular games.
World of Warcraft
- Wyvernx had the bot ready to go, but he did a trial run and saw some iffy things so he is adding some extra security in it to keep accounts safe.
Warhammer Online
- A brand new warmate update was released.
- An update to the mmoviper warhammer bot was done
- An update to the mmoviper warhammer radar was done.
Last edited by Tault_admin on October 14th, 2008, 5:58 pm, edited 5 times in total.