Weekly Site Updates and News - Sept 30-Oct 6 2008
Alright we are changing things up a bit to make things easier for all. The new format will have the games name then the big updates for the game that have happened or are in development. AKA people can learn what has happened, is happening, or will happen for games and the site as a whole. So without further adu.
General Site Updates
- We are still working out some kinks with the submissions area.
- The mmoviper exchange bar is still being added.
- We are still always adding new game sections and templates expect to see a star trek area soon and updates to some of the older games sections.
- The warhammer contest ended and we will have a winner announced shortly (prob monday

EVE Online
- The mmoviper bot should be released in the next week or 2 if all goes well.
EverQuest 2
- Slam has gotten a new source to help him update his stuff even faster
enjoy the game easily.
Vanguard Sage of Heroes
- The mmoviper vanguard bot is updated with some more user friendly perks.
World of Warcraft
- The wow bot we hope for a release of this week. However it wont be usable with tu bucks

Warhammer Online
- Nough Said
- PS the bot is released and so you can check it out at
Well thats all for now hope you enjoyed the weekly update we always have more to come