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XUnleashed V2.6.5 Released : Site News

Posted: April 15th, 2003, 8:33 pm
Admin's Reps:
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April 15, 2003
Version 2.6.5 Bugfix + Misc Patch
In this release, we have added a couple of nice
enhancements for those just getting started with
XUnleahed. On the options tab, you now have the
ability to load in default settings to make the
installation much easier.

We have also added the ability to activate plugin
windows by "hotkeys". If you press CTRL-INS-(1-9)
you can activate the first 9 plugins that you have
loaded. If these hotkeys go over well, we are going
to add several more to help with a mouseless
interface for XU for those that dislike using the

We apologize, but we have temporarily dissabled the
Macro/Trigger windows. These were causing some memory
leaks, and needed to be removed. They were always
in a beta state, and did not always work
We have almost finished up the V2 Plugin versions
of the macro window, and will release

On a brighter note, we have a new OC-3 patch server
that will be coming online in the next day or so.
This has a 1000Mb/s transfer rate which is VERY FAST.

--Fixed another major memory leak

--Fixed a memory leak associated with

--Added Get3DDevice to IXUPluginHelper. This will
return the drawing Direct3DDevice8 Object.

--Changed the API slightly. Plugin developers may
need to recompile.

--Added AutoConfig settings. Click on your game,
and it will load in default settings. If you change
a default, it will save the new setting. We have
added 3 user defined settings also.

--Changed the way XU loads in games to allow for
greater compatibility with some games.

--Removed some redundant API calls.

--Added some "hotkeys" to load in plugin windows.
You can press CTRL-INS-(1-9) to activate plugin windows.
This is to help with some graphics cards not being
able to "see" the XU Task Bar. We will be adding
more hotkeys.

--The Macro window/interface has been
disabled. We apologize for this inconvience, but
we have tracked several memory leaks down to that
window. We *almost* have the new v2 version ready,
but it did not make the release. We hope to get
it out before the weekend.

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Posted: April 15th, 2003, 8:33 pm
Admin's Reps:
User avatar
We have found a small error. If you install/remove a plugin you must close xunleashed or you will get a "Failed to Launch Application" error when you click play.

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