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XUnleashed v3.0 Beta Released (Merry Christmas) : Site News

Posted: December 22nd, 2003, 1:38 am
Admin's Reps:
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December 22, 2003
Version 3.0.0

You will notice a new shortcut in your XUnleashed folder. It is XUnleashed3Beta.exe. This will load up the new 3.0 interface and allow you to give feedback on how it is handling and suggestions you would like to have implemented.

We are very proud to be releasing version 3.0 of XUnleashed.

It has been an exciting year for us here. We have been able to implement quite a few features into XUnleashed and have many more planned and on the way.

--Fixed a crash to desktop bug when the client would loose connection to the XU login server.
--Added some new graphics and layout.
--Fixed a bug that would cause XU to not load properly with some games.
--Optimized the server/client communication.

Please note, the server is now running (temporarily) on port 5679

We are also aware of the false login messages that some are receiving. These include "Invalid Registration Code", and "Security Key/License has Changed"

Just keep trying, and you will get through.

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Posted: December 22nd, 2003, 4:06 am
Admin's Reps:
User avatar
Adding the new XUnleashed3Beta.exe to the xunleashed folder now.

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