December 1, 2004
XUnleashed V3.95 R13b
--Fixed some graphics problems with Directx9 (eve is fixed)
--Added some new games to the config. Everquest 2, and World of Warcraft. While EQ2 scripting is still not working, users have found ways to still record macros so I have added the config setting.
--Dissabled Anti-Detection temporarily.
--Fixed some error catching bugs
--Added some ScriptHost functions to write to memory
Memory Functions:
Public Function Memory.WriteMemorySingle(pHandle As Long, Address As Long, a Single as Single) As Single 'Reads a single in memory
Public Function Memory.WriteMemoryLong(pHandle As Long, Address As Long, aLong as Long) As Long 'Reads a long in memory
Public Function Memory.WriteMemoryInt(pHandle As Long, Address As Long, aInt as Integer) As Integer 'Reads an integer in memory
Public Function Memory.WriteMemoryByte(pHandle As Long, Address As Long, aByte as Byte) As Byte 'Reads a byte in memory
Public Function Memory.WriteMemoryString(pHandle As Long, Address As Long, aString as String) As String 'Reads an array of characters in memory