taultunleashed logoPlease do this for the babies : Site and Program Suggestions
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Please do this for the babies : Site and Program Suggestions

Posted: June 30th, 2004, 7:01 am
Tault_Tault Community

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whats up guys (members and non-members),

It seems like there are alot of people that are coming to thi site and submiting exploits, macros, etc. and are getting pissed off that they think that Tault is stealing from them. first off I would like to say !@#$%^&* YOU!!!
second I thinkthe only way to stop this crap is to have a section on the site for downloads(i.e. a place where all of this stuff is kept for download or ref. for members) if you are not a member this site should be a simple list of the things Tault.com offers. no real info but enough to show the people that submit crap from 6mo. ago and demand a premium acct. this bugs me to no end. please add a section like this to help the members find the things they want and to shut the "I know everything about everything please let me in" folks up :roll: :lol: :lol:

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