Yeah theres a few go ask on the swg forums for any spots i cant remember. I know theres place outside mos eisly. Its part of the first legacy missions. Theres a little tusken camp thats 25-30 degrees to the right when you walk out of the start port into the main area of the city. Just keep heading in that direction till u find a small area with tuskens. Keep heading that direction past these first groups of tuskens and theres a s pot with like 3-5 small groups of tuskens. They spawn very fast and u can use an aoe attack afk to farm junk off them. Theres also another spot on kashyyyk when you go down the ryatt trail, theres some wookies. Its the second level down from the top and theres some creatures after you cross a bridge and go around a hill you cant walk up. The path continues around the hill through a bunch of creature spawns that leads down to the next level. Instead of following that path you can go to the left, away from the hill and theres an area where wookies spawn. This isnt the old wookie farm spot people use to use for leveling and leveling pets. Its like basically a cliff side. They drop junk and tons of collection items and they spawn fairly fast.
The best spot i remember was near mos entha or mos espa. Its the city with the star port furthest to the north west corner of the map. They made the spawn slower but it has enough npcs to farm like crazy. Head out the starport and go straight till you reach the city limits (where it ends) turn left and follow the border of the city till you see a shuttleport on the map, right on the other side of the wall that the shuttleport is on (the outside side of the wall) theres tons of npcs there to farm for junk, but it use to be a popular spot so sometimes it wasnt worth farming if too many players already were.
Another spot if your good at making macros and have a medic afk healing you is the frosche bunker. Do a google search for the name and you should find the location, its somewhere on the northern half of the map of corellia.
If none of that works for you the next best suggestion i have is to follow the allakhazam guide for the legacy quests. Theres lots of areas it takes you to that arent near cities. Youll come across tons of spots with npcs you can farm easily using the afk aoe macro methods.
I also believe outside one of the cities on naboo theres a bunker on a beach that doesnt have a fast spawn but has plenty of npcs you can farm.
around 4 or 5 months ago all these spots were worth farming and i have so much left over junk ill never be able to use it all lol.
Hope this helps and let me know if u get lost, im very depressed atm due to the fact that i lost 3 of my favorite accounts, so when i feel better i might be up to finding the spots and posting the waypoints on here for ya.

EDIT: Just found a similar topic on these forums that might help you find some other spots to farm. ... 80450.html