This is by no way a complete macro / bot, just the AutoIT code snipet you *could* use for sutch a action.
(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
Send ("LEFT down")
Sleep (9000)
Send ("LEFT up")
Basically it tells the game to hold down the left mouse button for 9 seconds, and then release it...
Alternatly you can map the auto attack button to a key, making a toggle..
(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
Send ("X")
Sleep (9000)
Send ("X")
(asuming you bind it to X key, then thats how a toggle could look)
Not entierly sure i need the extra X after the 9 second pause, tired and overworked, doing this on freehand without editor started.