agry1 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
ok so here it goes get a group of friends (must be 90) get them pets presumably 60 point pets go dantooine press v go into points of intrest go for the first dauntri village make all of your group stand in middle of the village get there pets out then start a macro ill tell you the macro down the bottom ok so now get those macros running make sure u have a medic poping bacta spray and there DoT and make sure uve got a commando poping there mine and a bh poping trap and there DoT make sure there macro makes the pet attack everything in range
now heres the macro
/ui actionpetToolbarSlot00;
pause 1;
/macro petattack
next macro
/ui actionpetToolbarSlot01;
/pause 1;
/macro petfollow
ok now the target macro i cant really remeber it but i think this sould be right if now just ask around
/ui Targetoutward
/pause 1;
/macro target
i think thats wrong so just ask around
ok now just make a macro that drops there dots and heals
so now uve done al that tell your friends the macros then make them face the ground then they press ctrl shift s. ok so now u just have to make a macro tht will pop down dots and have a target macro.
1. I have heard this MANY times and
2. "get them pets presumably 60 point pets go dantooine" Ok, so were gonna spend about 1-2 weeks and over 100m to grind "quickly"?
I really don't see how this is viable information