sparktite (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Hey there. Ive been playing swg since well basically week one. Im trying to figure out what to do before i either quit the game or start playing again. Money has always been a big problem. Im a casual player and dont have the time to grind my own money like i used to. So im wondering if any one knows what i should do to make some quick money before i server transfer. As well as anything i should do before i transfer.
Ive always had a problem with the auto it script or w/e. Always been to complicated non of the scripts worked right, it just never worked. And now that i have vista that makes it seem even more like i wont be able to use this program right. But i am looking for something on the mostly to full afk stuff, since time is a problem for me.
Anyways heres what ive got to work with. 3/4 lvl 90 crafters, over 2 lvl 90 ents. lvl 90 jedi spy commando and bh. As well as a lvl 81 or 82 medic.
Any help is appreciated
If the medic and jedi and/or mando are on same server but different account, you can multi box and AFK grind the NS Vs SB Mounting POI, they drop some nice loot (Sometimes 23+ statted which can be sold around 6-10k CPU, about 6m for a full bag) and they also sometimes drop Holos