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Star Wars Galaxies: Hotfix 14.3 (0) : Star Wars Galaxies Discussions

Posted: October 24th, 2009, 10:13 pm

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(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE'))) Star Wars Galaxies: Hotfix 14.3 (0)
Star Wars Galaxies: Hotfix 14.3

On Thursday, October 22nd, at 4:00 AM PDT all U.S. and European galaxies will be taken down for server maintenance and a Hotfix.

When the Hotfix is complete, all galaxies will be live but unavailable while we complete final testing. All galaxies will be made available after that time.

4:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles) / 6:00 AM CDT (Austin) / 7:00 AM EDT (New York) 11:00 PM GMT / 1:00 PM CET (Berlin) / 9:00 PM (Tokyo) / 11:00 PM AEDT (Sydney)

Click here for a Time Zone Calculator.

Star Wars Galaxies: Hotfix 14.3


Death Troopers
    - Fixed issues with canisters sometimes not working
    - Prison outfit fixed

    - Players will now be completely oriented with a vehicle while riding it. Previously only the bottom half of the player would orient with the vehicle, which led to some odd contortions when on sloping terrain.

Author: Draakull
Publish Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 15:46:32 GMT

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