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Star Wars Galaxies: Hotfix 8.1(0) : Star Wars Galaxies Discussions

Posted: March 17th, 2009, 7:36 pm

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(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE'))) Star Wars Galaxies: Hotfix 8.1(0)
On Tuesday, March 17, at 4:00 AM PDT all U.S. and European galaxies will be taken down for server maintenance and a Hotfix. 

When the Hotfix is complete, all galaxies will be live but unavailable while we complete final testing. All galaxies will be made available after that time. 

4:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles) / 6:00 AM CDT (Austin) / 7:00 AM EDT (New York) 11:00 PM GMT / 1:00 PM CET (Berlin) / 9:00 PM (Tokyo) / 11:00 PM AEDT (Sydney) Click here for a Time Zone Calculator. 

Star Wars Galaxies: Hotfix 8.1

Publish Notes, March 17, 2009

Reward Trade-In 
    -The Battle of Hoth hologram and the Sarlacc Trash Can (both types) rewards can now be traded in, which will grant the account the ability to /claim a new one with any character on the account (including characters on the TestCenter/TCPrime environment). Use the "Trade In Item" radial menu on these reward items and follow on the on-screen instructions to perform the trade in process. There is a 30 days wait after the reward item is claimed (either the initial claim or the claim after a trade in) before the item can be traded in.

 Player Associations 
    -Re-enabled the Export Option for the Guild Member List.

Player Cities 
    -Added an Export Option for the City Citizenship List.
    -Added an Export Option for the City Structures List.
    -Added the (Militia) tag to Militiamen/women to the City Citizenship List.
    -City Halls will no longer 'wipe' the Admin List when the server resets.

    -Backdrop Generated images will now persist after server restarts

 User Interface 
    -Exporting the guild/city tables now prints a system message telling you where the table was exported.

Target Acklay/Target Dummy 
    -Using the Stop Combat option on a target acklay/target dummy will no longer remove defensive stat adjustments.
    -Using the Stop combat option on a target acklay/target dummy will no longer change who is able to adjust their stats, level, or difficulty or to store them.

 Container Lock
    -Fixed a bug where someone who had rights on your locked container, but not to your house, could pick up the container.


Author: Zatozia
Publish Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 16:04:33 GMT

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