taultunleashed logoThank you all those that contribute their knowledge and time : Star Wars Galaxies Discussions tu winter contest 2012 nintendo wii
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Thank you all those that contribute their knowledge and time : Star Wars Galaxies Discussions

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 7:21 am

Total Posts: 348
Joined: November 16th, 2007, 11:27 pm
phelan1777's Reps: 9
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I haven't seen a recent thread of anyone saying thank you, hence this posts.

To those that put the time and effort into writing the scripts (not those that copy and paste and you know who you are and fail). For those like me that are not very well versed in scripts, macros and programming either a total noob, just starting out, or have the basics down.

These make our gaming experience a step up from the mind numbing repeat processes. I am a big junk loot farmer in my guild but I take no credit for the macros/scripts. Just spend the time getting materials for guild crafters.

I know the forum isn't active as in constant new and different, or better then what has been around a while but none the less the information is here and comes in handy.

So thanks for all the work many of you have put forth.

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Posted: May 15th, 2009, 7:49 am

Total Posts: 387
Joined: January 17th, 2009, 12:33 pm
r04r's Reps: 9
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It's appreciated. I personally do my best to create/fix autoit scripts or in-game macro's. So if you have any questions for either, don't hesitate to shoot me a question somewhere.

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