iape03 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
personally stealing from nightsisters is the best for me. i can get about 100 or so modded items of +22 or higher and multi statted stuff in about an hour.
Id have to agree with this guy I took my spy to SPider Clan cave POI , I was stealing from lv 88-90 gold elites and getting +25 double stat'd items.
The lv 86-88 elites I got good 20-23 stat'd items sometimes +3 +4 stats on them! I dont have any +camo mods , i just used camo expertise. I respecd spy just to do this so I got decoy expertise for another stealth just incase i get caught. I went out there with empty inventory and empty bag , I deleted anything I got under +20 stats and In couple hours I filled inventory and backpack with +20 - +26 stat'd clothes and I got a +4 stat'd bracelet I sold for 20mil.