quest - ewok child wp -5171 -2560
1st don't bother getting the love cards just pick them up as you go tho the quests you can only use 1 set a day (7 in 1 set)
you will get 2nd badge for the love fest and 3 chak harts
quest - disciple of blaire wp -5187 -2565
the pet lover
blaire wp -5289 -2943
dr schill (aka mr love) wp -5570 -2650
pet lover wp -5060 -2625
find peaches wp -4975 -2360 wp -5300 -5280 wp -5630 -2760
blaire wp -5289 -2943
love struck man wp -5410 -2717 the response is love to everything
blaire wp -5289 -2943
dr schill (aka mr love) wp -5570 -2650
drum wp -5298 -2491 radial-tap code
when mister hate attacks you /love
then /conn with him
blaire wp -5289 -2943
you now have an ewok familiar
modify aggro by -2.00%
and you 1st ewok badge
and 6 chak harts
quest - playing cupid wp-5187 -2557
this is a pain when you get the quest in your data pad will be a hart use it
a timer will start for 24hrs now ask the npc what is important to it
it will give you 5 responses make a note of the words in pink do not store it or use your bike now in the city you are will be npc's with packeges on there heads
you need to find the ONE that yours is like if you get it wrong you will have a 15 min rejected timer after you have done this 8 times (8 day min )you get a badge
a macro to help with the next part
/tar kyoopid
/pause .5
/m targetkyoopid
then drive round tyrena kaddara and the ewok village you do dave enuff time do do all 3
this part is copy and paste i found it as i was completing the rest of the quests thx to ... _id=843218
herald of kyoopid wp-5172 -2555
he Disciple of Kyoopid does not actually give a quest as much as inform you that you should find Kyoopid. No Quest Journal for this one. Once you find Kyoopid you need to talk to him. He will ask you if you wish to honor the Festival of Love. Select YES as your answer. He will then ask you how you wish to honor the Festival of Love. Will you give up 2 Chak Hearts or give up a Bundle of the Ewok Festival of Love Cards (same cards gathered for the Ewok Child). Make your selection and he then gives you the Ewok Festival of Love Badge.
Side Note: Apparently Kyoopid will despawn within a short time after this. Will respawn in another hour at a random location at one of the 3 cities.