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[Guide] A brief guide to a flawless rebel hoth run. : Star Wars Galaxies Nerfed Info

Posted: January 8th, 2009, 7:35 pm

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Phase 1:
Hurry into the snow speeders! head towards the AT-AT's but DO NOT attack the front ones first. Use a figure eight motion to take out the two in the back and move up. The front ones should be the last (and easiest to kill). If you find your snow speeder low on health go get another, however the figure eight if done properly should limit damage taken.

Phase 2: Split up the team into two groups, the first group go through the base entrance (where the waypoint is) if you get there soon enough you will also have a chance to kill a rebel sharpshooter (collection) enemy. This group works their way to the med center.

The second group goes up and around the ridge above the waypointed entrance. this will bring them to the command center. Take the command center, then use the elevator to go down and capture the groto. leaving one man in both the med center and the grotto the rest of the group then works their way through the cantina and clears the equipment room.

Get one or two members of the group to stay near the equipment room and send the rest to the med center to hold of enemies falling back as needed.

once all personal are evaced head up to the evac site.

Phase 3: This is where the medics and jedi of the group really have to shine. Jedi tank large groups of mobs while the rest of the group focus fire. the key to this phase is always stay behind the barricades. this part can be very though. It is important to take out the AT-ST's as soon ASAP, it is best to put a commando or officer on them. Medics: rezes are not necessary, but keeping the tanking jedi up is very important.
At times in this phase it will be very important to sacrifice ones self to aggro all the enemies headed toward a transport just to but another minute. you must make sure the enemies do not get close enough to aggro the pilots loading the ships. if they do aggro it is very difficult to get a flawless on this part.

Finish: Congrats if you did everything right and used team work you should now have your flawless badge

Posted: January 8th, 2009, 8:01 pm

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Yays or Nays please.

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Posted: January 8th, 2009, 8:31 pm

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This is on the official forums and/or wiki somewhere.

I will look, then edit a yay or nay.

He pretty much cut and pasted bits from this guide here...
http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/post ... _id=792793

So nay.

Posted: January 8th, 2009, 8:59 pm

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