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Duping an ADK and selling it! (prem =D) : Star Wars Galaxies Nerfed Info

Posted: October 20th, 2005, 8:54 am
picard_siw's Reps:
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Ok here is what you need:
1) 1 Vendor
2) An ADK
3) 1 decayable item (I used a cheap crafted pistol or something like that)
4) A router OR a laggy area in swg like Mos Eisley!

So it is easy:
-Insert the weapon into the ADK! Then right click on it and the radial menu will show up, after a few seconds you will also see the option "Retrieve Item from Kit" and "Apply Anti Decay".

- Now open the vendor, open the "sell item" window and scroll down the items to the end. There should be the ADK! If not, just drop the ADK into your house and pick it up again, then it is the last item in your inv! Select the ADK and set the price to 99999999...

- If you apply the Anti Decay Kit now, the weapon will come back and a new ADK will show up for a short time. If it is very laggy you can quickly select the NEW DUPED ADK in the sell window and sell it! If you dont have enough time to do that, just disconnect your network connection, when the duped ADK appear. But you only have 15 sec (I did it in 6 secs the first time =D).

- If no ADK showed up, delete the weapon and use a new one.. sometimes there is a bug that it doesnt appear.

- If you sold it, a mail will come that this auction has not been completed and the duped ADK is now in the Stockroom!

- Go to the Stockroom of the Vendor (this is the one, where you can recieve items). Don't (!!!!) recieve the ADK but sell it again for 10 Mill. If you would retrieve it, you will get a message that it doesnt exist anymore and it will delete itself..

- Every1 who buy this one will pay money, but not recieve the ADK!

- Your ADK, used on the weapon in your inv will never delete itself, because it is the REAL one!

- I sold one ADK after 22 mins lol. The buyer told me that he didnt get the item but this was not my problem.. So easy money..

It is not difficult to dupe a ADK.
I hope this was a good guide and I will get a premium account! ;)



Posted: October 20th, 2005, 9:39 am
kientwinsun's Reps:
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I say nay on premium as you will be banned instantly once the buyer states he got no item, the CSR's will track the logs and see it's duped.

Posted: October 20th, 2005, 1:09 pm
psycosis's Reps:
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This is an insta-perma ban and very traceable.

Posted: October 20th, 2005, 6:50 pm
tault_danceofthedead's Reps:
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