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Artmoney : General & Trouble Shooting

Posted: May 12th, 2009, 6:20 pm
king doom64

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Artmoney is a special hacking software, not cheat engine. It can change any number of your choice. Just have to get a good look at the number you wanna change and BAM! A number of your choice. Download the link, dont worry its trustable. No keyloggers so far. Check it out yourself.


I couldnt put the file down, it took too long so download it from this site

You first open the software and the game you wanna hack. Ex: 3D Pinball
Go to the select process and look for pinball, click it.
Go clock search, another window should appear, change the first line to exact value, and type in the number you want to change.
If you wanna change your score in 3d pinball, you make the number 0 first.
Next, you press OK, it will search up files containing that number from the game. Same thing for pinball.
Then after that, you play the game and make the number change. For pinball, hit something to gain score.
Now you press the filter button. Change the number to the number you have now, EX: pinball starts at 0 points hit something get like 1000, change it to that number.
Now you have less addresses, repeat until you have 1 address left, if you have none, redo it or maybe your screwed up. Pinball will leave 2 addresses, highlight the first one.
Now press the red arrow to the right to move it over.
You should see value, you can change it to the number of your choice.
To do that, you right click the number under value, edit it and change the number to your choice, after you enter your number, there should be a box at the bottom left corner called freeze, check it.
Now you press OK, now go to your game and check the number your wanted to change, BOOM! It's the number of your choice.

EX: If you change the number in pinball to like, 123456789, it will turn to that number, though there might be some glitches, nothing bad.

There are a free version of Artmoney and versions that cost money, i have the free version but i think the one that cost are better.

IMPORTANT: Your doing this at your own risk, when you download the content, it wont be mine or the creators fault, it was yours.

Also, the hack only works for programs/games that are downloaded onto your hard drive, no Runescape cause you play it at the site.



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Posted: May 12th, 2009, 6:21 pm
king doom64

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Show your friends, its kinda secret so try not to spread the word.

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Posted: May 12th, 2009, 6:54 pm
king doom64

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The hack is kinda hard to do also. Youll get it soon.

Last edited by king doom64 on May 14th, 2009, 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posted: May 13th, 2009, 11:09 am
king doom64

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If you read this, your probably one of my friends, if not, Hi..


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Posted: May 14th, 2009, 11:28 am
king doom64

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It might be a little hard to understand but, youll get it.

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Posted: May 14th, 2009, 11:28 am
king doom64

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Remember, only dl games work.

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Posted: May 14th, 2009, 11:29 am
king doom64

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Location: There are 2 brothers. They are both twins. They are both born on the same day.
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If you check on the website, it will tell you about Artmoney, and that its legal.

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